A credit card is required to hold your reservation but your card will not be charged until the day of your travel. On the day of your travel you may switch payment methods and pay with cash or credit card. All credit card information is transmitted securely with encryption.
To provide you with the best service, we require that online reservations are made at least 24 hours before travel. Please call to check the availability of reservations if you are traveling in less than 24 hours.
We will confirm the fare amount when we call to confirm your reservation the night before your travel date.
Airport Pick-ups after 10pm are subject to an additional surcharge.
CREDIT/DEBIT CARD PAYMENT SURCHARGE: If you pay by credit/debit card a $5.00 surcharge will apply.
For special transportation arrangements, please contact us directly.
A credit card is required to hold your reservation but your card will not be charged until the day of your travel. All credit card information is transmitted securely with encryption.